Since the childhood I liked to play football, often for days, had lost with your friends in the stadium. And with the old did not give up his passion. The summer was hot, the feet in the shoes very sudemos, but I the habit of not paying attention. First it just appeared out of the itching, I thought that just rubbed legs. But when I watched as the nails began to yellow, the diagnosis was clear and without doctor – fungus.
Decided to heal old tool of hydrogen peroxide. Burned all the skin on the feet, and the fungus, such as it was, and stayed. And here I have a neighbor advised him to take a Gel for the treatment of nail fungus of the feet and the Fungonis Gelsupposedly, the same with the fungus for several years tormented, and after almost a week of this gel cured.
I, of course, not immediately believed, I have read on the internet about this gel. Something like, imported, good tool, only the pharmacy do not buy. Had to ask for it in the manufacturer's website.
Mazal first, without waiting for the result. But already on the first day of the itching legs of steel less. And after a week the itching and the redness gone. Then, simply re-grow healthy nail.
I can say, excellent tool, so fast that no other using the recipe does not recover! Now smear for the prevention of every day, out of danger. And what is more interesting, the feet at all left to sweat, don't stink. First even amazing that was.
How to use:
Smear to the sick of the area as it is due and around. Best socks yet put on, so that does not gel is not worn and has been well absorbed. Naturally, socks, towels, slippers, all in emission, and this, again, but these disease. Or you can simply boil, something like that, but I reinsured.
No one would wish to get this disease, but if the patient – is being treated Fungonis Gelwith it, the fungus can earn very quickly.
One night, after the pool, I realized that I have peels off the skin on the feet and the edge of the nail yellow. Immediately he ran to his doctor, confirmed that this fungus. Advised Fungonis Gelwith his help he could with the fungus in just a few days of use.
Each day, before bedtime. After two weeks of fungi, and the footprint of the cold. When my boy, over half a year, also appeared a fungus, I already knew that treat.
I can recommend Fungonis Gel everyone, who has not delivered the part to this disease. And keep in mind all the hygiene, it is very important for your recovery.